Family is the Basis
It suddenly struck me. As I was working, I had an insight that the source of inspiration for everything I do in my work is my family.

For me, family is everything. A whole world. It’s what drives me, what causes me to live, my heart to beat strongly, and my eyes to well up with tears in excitement. When I think about family, lots of associations come up in me:
Security, love, warmth, feeling, acceptance, partnership, joy, belonging, boundless giving, loyalty, feelings of guilt, tradition, birthdays, celebrations, longing, happiness, togetherness, shared experiences, moments of bliss, worry, strength, soul. Today, they all gain expression in my creative work.

Among the works conceived from family are MEZUZAH, which for me symbolizes home and belonging.

SEDER, the Passover Seder Plate, that takes into account that each family has different preferences with regard to the festival blessings, and enables them to choose and arrange them accordingly.

And, of course, the unique KAN series that was conceived following a conversation I had with my mother a few years ago. She came to show me a five-branch candelabrum, and told me excitedly that it symbolizes our family. “According to tradition”, she said, “it is customary to light candles in accordance with the number of people in the household”. I immediately responded with a smile: “So, have you shut up shop?” But that conversation resonated in me. I started thinking: What does family mean to me? What does it symbolize? Later, I mainly realized that the definition varies from one person to another, from one family to another. The family forms, grows, it is dynamic. And thus, the KAN candleholder series was conceived, which allows you to create clusters of candleholders, adapting them to circumstances, and the needs of each family.

My wish for every one of us is that we know how to appreciate and cherish each and every member of our family, not only on Family Day, but every day throughout the year.
Happy Family Day!