From Dream to Reality

They say dreams sometimes come true. So how do you make a dream come true? You persist, you refine it and break it down into stages, build it from the foundations, from its essence, you ask the right questions, and most importantly – don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid to make a mistake, don’t be afraid to ask, don’t be afraid to tell the world, Hey, I’m here and I exist.
I’ve always chosen to dream, and in truth, I’ve still got lots of dreams I want to realize, but this time I want to share with you how the dream of a studio and gallery of my own became a reality, a dream come true.
In the very beginning of my design studies at HIT-Holon Institute of Technology, I already started asking myself: What kind of designer do I want to be? I quickly realized I wanted to open my own studio. During my studies I acquired the tools to make my dream come true and open a studio of my own.
When I was absolutely sure that’s what I wanted, I started thinking: What is it that I want to design, and why? I searched for my personal credo, something that would be mine alone, something that’s part of my childhood landscape.
During my studies, whenever I had to present a project, I immediately turned to Corian*, a material that’s always been there, for as long as I can remember, back when I was a little girl.

I love Corian. But what makes Corian part of me? How do I make it mine? I often asked myself: What is unique to me, and what is my role and the message I’d like to convey in the world of design? How do I create better products for the whole universe?
One of the important insights that came up in me is recycling, renewing Corian. Corian is a nondegradable material, it can be recycled, so how do I reuse it? How do I design products that will touch people’s hearts and be sealed within them forever…?

I opened a studio/gallery in Moshav Regba, where I was born and raised.
At long last I have a place where I can express myself.